Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Will Be Short Signature

The Mahdi

The Mahdi. A blue flower
just hatched, a well-concealed blue flower, a radiant flower. Did you see this light it seems clear.

I just did this picture in my garden. a small picture by the way, wishing you a wonderful Sunday, full of light into your souls, full of ecstasy and bliss, transcended a Sunday, Sunday lit a super nice too well Sunday, with lots of love everywhere.

May a great wind of freedom lead us to Heaven on Earth. ki / Periwinkle s? Hl = en & q = periwinkle & um = 1 & i e = UTF-8 & source = univ & sa = X & e i = z-pgTdq5Lsuo8AOZqala & ved = 0CDsQsAQ

The periwinkle also known as the Violet's Stone or Poison nasturtium ...

I fear that we have a drought this year. Anyway 2011 is already a strange year!

FUGIT IRREPARABILE TEMPUS! Time flies irreparably.

"This pretty plant has medicinal properties as confirmed by recent work in pharmacology.
Formerly used to stop flows and hemorrhagic Tarrit lactation nurses, alkaloids isolated today ... the particular plant vincamine have a protective effect of the capillary circulation. It is a component of several pharmaceutical products to address in particular the cerebral circulatory insufficiency in the elderly. This plant, which inspired Rousseau and attracted many poets including Georges Brassens, was already recommended in the seventeenth century by Madame de Sevigne, who in 1684 wrote to his daughter, Mrs. Grignan, saying: "Finally, my good ... , anyway, comfort you and heal you with your good periwinkle, green and very bitter, but very specific to your aches and you feel a big difference: in this cool inflamed chest. "
In the Middle Ages, it is incorporated in love potions!
is an herb that helps fight against cancer with the presence of two molecules to the active: vinblastine and vincristine. "

Rousseau's Confessions, Book 6

The first day we went to bed Charmettes, Mom was in a sedan chair, and I followed on foot. The road climbs, it was pretty heavy, too tired and afraid of its carriers, it would go down about halfway to the rest on foot. While walking she saw something blue in the hedge and said that's the vinca still in bloom. I had never seen the periwinkle, I do not stooped to examine it, and I have seen too short to distinguish plants on the ground of my height. I just threw a passing glance at this, and nearly thirty years have passed without I have reviewed the periwinkle, or though I've been paying attention. In 1764 Cressier being with my friend Mr. Peyrou, we climbed a small mountain on top of which it has a nice lounge that rightly calls Bellevue. I started collecting plants for a little while. Climbing amongst the bushes and watching I let out a cry of joy: ah that's the vinca, and quite was in effect. Peyrou perceived transportation, but he did not know the cause, he will learn, I hope one day when he reads this.

He says: "And the periwinkle! "I do not know the periwinkle, and I had seen so far in the little flower that was under my eyes, a reason to believe that Rousseau was the book with him when he went to cast ... ade, but these last words, it was for me, and also a little, indeed, from those who were present, repeated cries of surprise and pleasure. Rousseau, as it seemed, had continued to worship her periwinkle, since he collected and preserved at all times. I would gladly have embraced the F .... , Yet I hated him a little of what he did not say exactly as Rousseau himself: "Ah! that's the vinca! "

Jean-Baptiste de Latour
Taking A memory of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

* Francois Coppe (1842-1908)
Just as Rousseau once burst into tears
At these words: 'This is a periwinkle flowers, "
I know all the fun that a memory can do.
Nothing, by now, the state of the atmosphere,
A heartbeat, a scent found,
make me a happiness once experienced.
is fleeting, yet the minute is exquisite.
And that is why I am very happy in my own way
Where in the neighborhood that I know I can see
A calm sky of October, at five o'clock in the evening.

* Guy Maupassant (1850-1893)

The fowler fowler

The Love walks
When the slopes are in bloom,
searched the bushes and the plain
And every night its
cage is full of small birds that he took.

soon as night fades
It comes carefully tending her thread, glue
Jette from place to place,
Then sow, to hide the traces,
few strands of oats or millet. It

ambush at the corner of a hedge,
Se layer to the banks of streams,
Surf crawling under the trees,
Lest his foot scares
Rapid small birds.

Sub thrush and periwinkle
The child hides his crafty nets,
Or under the hawthorn
Where fall like an avalanche,
Linot, finches, goldfinches.

Sometimes a soft green willow wand
or rosemary
It is a trap, and then watching
Small birds come to peck spree
Who grain.

Stunned, happy and fast approaching a birdie
He looks at her candid
emboldened, tastes grain treacherous
And held his paw at the net.

the fowler And Love takes her
Far from the hills and fresh flowers, bushes
far and the plain
And every night his cage is full
Small birds he has made.

TOULET * Paul John (1867-1920)

The immortal, and pink sea
Who grows in the sand,
Periwinkle too perishable
Or this bitter fennel

Who crackled under the tooth goats
Do you remember,
Neither the salt breeze subtle
Who burned our lips?

The Mahdi

by Ivano Ghirardini , Saturday, February 19, 2011, 09:01
blue flowers of the Mahdi, just trying to hatch, February 20, 2011

Ahmadinejad and the Mahdi on his ads.

"We are in the midst of a global revolution driven by the beloved," referring to Imam Mahdi (or "hidden imam"), 12th and last imam of Shiite Islam.

"A great awakening is happening, and the hand of the Imam is visible"

"The hearts and minds quickly understand now the need for a government insured by a complete man linked to the afterlife" Mahdi Mahdi

(Arabic: Mahdiye, مهدي, "man guided (by God) and one who shows the way") is a Muslim name denoting the well-guided, the Saviour of Islam to appear at the end times.

The Mahdi would appear in the final days of existence and the world would be a sign major end-time. His coming would precede the second coming of Jesus on earth is the Messiah (Arabic: مسيح, Masih, "anointed spent; messiah").

Some characteristics of the Mahdi would be:

-His face will resemble that of Muhammad.

-It will have a character similar to that of Muhammad.

Know-It will receive the grace of God in a night.

-It will be a non-Arab


I try, I try ... Anyway, I always find interesting ideas emerging patterns "realistic" patterns called "rational". This idea that the Muslim world was shaken by the Mahdi is part of cel a. It is anything but rational and logical, except that it is reminiscent of Tolstoy problem with his engine near a slope, a problem echoed by Einstein in his relativity, a problem that can take in all the forms that the we want is free. This is only a series of questions, in fact, the style of that posed by Tolstoy, what moves the locomotive? Or style that posed by Einstein, how the speed de la lumière peut elle être constante avec une locomotive qui avance par rapport au talus? etc ... etc ...

Yes, Why this and why now? I do not know. It worked for me this morning. This is the full moon at this time. Clock 05H 20, light a small candle, drink coffee, stay cool under the duvet until 05 h 45 00 am. It is not my beautiful new universal religion, that of my girlfriend in the Unseen, just spend a little time with her, at 05 am 45 00 am, with no obligation, just when they need you. In addition, this night, with the full moon in front of the window it was great. The strangest thing is that I feel, for more than 45 days, no more cravings. It's really strange as it left alone the desire to smoke. Well, that's news. While gazing at the moon that night, warm, drinking coffee, watching the little candle, I do not know why I thought the Mahdi. That is, nothing else.

Yes, it's hard just your comments on Ahmadinejad, he commits a very serious mistake, he appropriates the Mahdi, he acts as if it were his thing, as if the Mahdi to Tehran would appreciate any in his work as President of the Republ ic Iran.

No, Mahmoud, no one can authorize you to believe that the Mahdi will appreciate your work. Probably find you it some of your outstanding achievements, probably find there other detestable and it will let you know. In addition

Mahmoud, if the Mahdi comes just before the Messiah, to prepare for his coming, his trial, I doubt he can rejoice in any form of violence whatsoever, especially those with means of statement.

The Mahdi will come to pray with Muslims, he will not stand in the forefront, but at the last.


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