Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Second Chance Tattoos

The last steps of Arthur Rimbaud

Arthur Rimbaud

Behold, I launched into this original thesis. I began to explore the group on face book entitled "The Thousand and One Nights". One thing I was struck by the similarity of behavior between Arthur Rimbaud, the famous, the incomparable French poet, and Sinbad, the imaginary hero, may be inspired by a real person in the Arabian tales of Thousand and One Nights.


I was very surprised that nobody had done this merger so far, at least he seems. For my part I was convinced of one thing, Arthur Rimbaud had read the translation of Galland, and he had been "hit". With his genius, he immediately understood what this hidden masterpiece and it changed his life. He gave up poetry and set off for adventures in Abyssinia. I was certain that Rimbaud was familiar with the work masterly "Shahrzad" when I realized there was a parallel between the colors of religions and colors of the vowels. I explained it here:


I need to This thesis further. Why? Simply because of "contacts" in the invisible ...

on Wiki:


Towards the East ... Man with soles of wind ... Between the Horn of Africa and Saudi ... stays in Harar ... Marseille, terminal ...

Reminder: From Wiki

Sinbad the Sailor called "Sindibad" in Arabic (also spelled "Sindbad" of Persian سندباد, Sandbād), is the name of a fable of Persian origin, which recounts the adventures of a sailor of the time of the Abbasid dynasty. During his travels in the seas east of Africa and southern Asia, Sinbad saw many fantastic adventures.


The Thousand and One Nights is a book which narrates the 1001 nights when the young Scheherazade, daughter of the vizier, invents a multitude of stories to entertain her husband and escape death. It is especially the adventures of Sinbad the Sailor.

The first trip

After spending the majority of property bequeathed by his father, Sinbad goes to sea in order to rebuild his fortune. He landed on what appears to be an island, but is in reality a gigantic whale. The whale dives into the sea and the boat departs, abandoning Sinbad.

Clinging to a log brought by sailors to make a fire, he was swept away by the waves and landed on an island. It is collected by the horse grooms waiting for seas to cover the king's mares, with which it binds rapidly knowledge. One day the ship reached the port of Sinbad Cassel. Captain Sinbad after acknowledging and listening to his adventures, he ensures that he kept all the cargo. After receiving many presents from the king, they are returned to Baghdad where Sinbad is going to lead a life of pleasure.

Second Voyage

He grew tired of his life pleasures and then sailed again, possessed by the idea of traveling the world and men to visit their towns and islands. Accidentally abandoned by its crew, he finds himself alone in an inaccessible valley of giant snakes and birds even more gigantic the Rokh. Trapped in a nest of these creatures, he realizes that the floor of the nest is lined with diamonds. Rescued by merchants, he returned to Baghdad with a fortune in diamonds.

Third Voyage

Constantly looking for adventure, Sinbad by this time in Basra.

By luck, he and his companions are trapped on an island by a cyclops. The monster eats the crew members one by one, the biggest in the former. Sinbad comes happily to blind the giant with a piece of wood hardened in the fire. Sinbad finally returns to Baghdad, and better than ever, and the celebration of his return make him forget the horrors of the journey. This episode recalls the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops in Book IX of Homer's Odyssey.

The fourth trip

Always looking for adventure, Sinbad takes the sea and, as usual, his ship ran aground. The naked savages with whom they are giving them to eat a plant that removes their control.

(See Homer's lotus eaters)

The fifth trip

After a moment of rest and fun and looking at his assets, Sinbad forget all the dangers and suffering that he has lived and still feels the need to take off. Passing near a desert island, the crew noticed a gigantic egg that Sinbad recognizes as that of a Rokh ... This episode recalls the episode of the oxen Soleil singing XII of the Odyssey of Homer.

The sixth trip

Sinbad is left stranded at sea and this time on an island where the rivers are filled with gems whose waters sparkle of ambergris ... When Sinbad returns to Baghdad, the caliph is very interested in what he called the land of Serendib.

The Seventh Voyage

Sinbad back at sea with the usual result. Lost on a desolate island, he makes a raft and floats up a big city. There, the chief of the merchants married Sinbad to his daughter, named him as heir and dies ...

Arthur Rimbaud in Harar

Compare with Arthur Rimbaud:

"The sea air will burn my lungs, climates tan me. " A Season in Hell .

Well, our poor Arthur Rimbaud was "struck" by Shahrzad, the woman with amazing engineering behind this masterpiece, this unique work of the thousand and one nights.

I need to point of this thesis about "my" Shahrzad, which is the appearance that I have ranked No. 2 in the strange phenomena that I face in my case of paranoid schizophrenia. This woman, an exception, this is Newton female schizoaffective and also slightly more autistic. It ranks as No. 6 in my rankings completely stupid, I readily concede this, the most beautiful women since the dawn of humanity. A breathtaking beauty, really, these women there are incomparable, unclassifiable. The strangest thing I've never had any sexual attraction to Shahrzad. An amazing thing. We naturist both. I spent hours and hours admiring his plastic incredible curves, I can not count the times I put my head on her belly or her knees and yet nothing ever any sexual desire for Shahrzad. It was incomprehensible at first. And then I did most asked questions. I was too well with her. It emerges from an amazing thing it is even more amazing than her beauty, she is healthy, it is a standing invitation to the healthy things, be it physical, mental or spiritual. It is a psychotherapist engineering. An incredible talent, an innate talent. She knows immediately how react. And the thousand and one nights it is just that, demonstrating his genius as a doctor of souls, a compendium of Psychiatry avant garde, still current, a pure marvel.

How Rimbaud could not fall in love? He, the poet with soles of wind, he understood immediately Shahrzad! He was dazzled by the genius of this woman. He wanted to live it in reality. Rimbaud is a man who thirst for the absolute, a man without compromise, without concessions. He wanted to be like Sinbad, from discovering the world and do business. Rimbaud fled the universe unhealthy intellectual circles in Paris, he moved to the search itself. How not to prove him right, it was the right choice. One could argue that he died young and sick. I think if he had not gone, it would have ended up a tragedy, suicide, duel, crime, whatever, but it would have ended very badly. Shahrzad had temporarily pulled the drama that seemed inevitable in France and even Europe. Was suspended, like a second chance. Rimbaud had the wit to seize it in time.

What surprises me most is the incredible precision of Arthur Rimbaud, a brain awesome, amazing, a brain that would have pleased Conan Doyle.


Is this that makes it does not take pleasure in his adventures of Sinbad type? Probably. He said himself, he is bored! He lacks the intellectual excitement in all these trips. It feels a weariness of life comes up. Cancer is about those diseases that can be programmed or even if you no longer want to live? One way around suicide? How to say, I leave you, I leave this world that bothers me, do not blame me, I'm sick. It's just a feeling.

Arthur Rimbaud had made the right decision in leaving the media chattering classes in Paris to go and burn the lungs in travel. I have no proof, only a specialist could find of his life that detail, but the similarities are such that, for me, there's no doubt he wanted to do as Sinbad. But he thought it was an ultimate goal, that his life would change completely. It was only set in motion, nothing more, this in itself could fill any voids. It would probably have been a great need to have near him (on) a talented psychotherapist. One senses a drop suddenly, a kind of rigidity, inability to communicate. It's a story that hurts. An incredible genius who refuses to create and complaining of intellectual inactivity in his travels. A case that would interest many of our excellent psychiatrists.

That is the crux of Rimbaud. He needed a good psychotherapist or psychiatrist to help him pass the course, the terrible course of "boredom of life" . And this leads to diseases, cancer, Alzheimer's to forget, forget everything, forget oneself, and many other disasters yet. But Rimbaud wanted to pass this course? Did he really live again, to go further in life experience?

(C) Ivano Ghirardini February 4, 2011

Notes: This thesis

much fun. Arthur Rimbaud, a modern Sinbad. At least he has tried! He has refused his fate. He wanted to be free to sail his "destiny" ... whatever the outcome, what counted was set in motion. Only thesis and therefore I defend a viewpoint with elements that confirm and others who do not fail to come aside. A thesis is not a certainty, it's just a kind of exploration of a hypothesis that must articulate at the outset. In this case, I am assuming that Rimbaud to read "the" (there are several) versions of the thousand and one nights, and he understood his genius that he was a kind of checkbook in white, following the amusing comparison of Marguerite Yourcenar. Arthur Rimbaud wanted to write his own version, in fact, alive and in this he is most interesting.

Yourcenar: That's what she had said, however, the Thousand and One Nights are a blank check, anyone can write and rewrite these stories, they even seem to be made for that.

I develop from what I "see" directly, it can not appeal, it can disturb, but that's what I see directly Through the strange phenomena that I am facing a very long time. I express this with my own words, and express it without any pretense of trying to describe what I "see" or "feel". Shahrzad
Thus I have described is the "Shahrzad" I "see" when it appears to me, who I Shahrzad the "journey". I do not mind what has been written here and there. Only after that I am doing research to verify certain things "seen" or deeper.

http://fr.wikipedia.org/wi ki / Nouvelles_orientales

* * The poor
The cruel

* * The oppressed wives devoted mothers

* * * The Holy Women

None of these patterns, these descriptive, is not "my" Shahrzad, which appeared to me so many times ... hey, it's been a while since I have not heard ... is the appearance No. 2, just below "My girlfriend in the Unseen" which shows she does not speak any more and yet daily acts of physical reality to communicate.
"My Shahrzad" a Newton woman, with a breathtaking beauty. It's not highbrow, it's not the woman of science, no, it's a form of genius in its purest form. She shines, you know, it emerges from it, how to say again, it's contagious his thing. Poor Rimbaud, hope it does not appear to him too. No, I do not think so. Rimbaud's approach is purely intellectual, genius to genius, with interface to the thousand and one nights ... so he found "his" Shahrzad to him ...

Arthur Rimbaud, a soul in Purgatory?
"For Catholic theology, the existence of Purgatory is a truth of faith. " It is a process of purification of the soul after death following the particular trial. Almost everyone pa sser before entering heaven, having failed to concern the damage caused in his lifetime. "


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