Monday, February 28, 2011

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A spring yet!

View branches

Because they are white!

Snowing flowers.

Laughing in the rain, The sun wipes

weeping willows

And the sky reflects In the violet

Its pure colors ...

The fly wing opens

And Miss

For golden eyes,

In corset wasp

Brochure his pancake

resumed its growth.

water babbles merrily,

The stud wriggles

A spring yet!


What Kind Food Is Good For Ulcer

Microbe Martian

Microbe 64.jpg The 64 th edition of Microbe is printed.
Contents: Illustrations
J ean-M arc Couvé
Texts P ascal Blondiau - C orentin Candi - G lenn W . Cooper
- John M arc Couvé - E ric Dejaeger - J ean-M arc Lahaut F - V irginie Holaind - P eter B- rice Lebrun - L ouis Mathoux - J ean-B aptiste Pedini - T hierry Pug - S Alvatora Sanfilippo - T homas Vinau

Tréfois - Sourire des airelles.jpg
Subscribers will receive it in early March. Subscribers '+' will also THE SMILE OF AIRELLES AND GREEN NEGRESSES , mi (ni) microbe signed 28 P eter Tréfois . The others will receive nothing. For information, call the boss: Microbe 64

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Spring flowers.

The spring flowers are winter dreams told in the morning at the table angels.
Khalil Gibran
Hi, it's spring! the angel of love! Do not you guess why I'm raging drunkenness? Angel of my grandmother, my angel cradle, Do not you guess that I become a bird, let my lyre trembles and I beat the wing ...
Arthur Rimbaud

Still, sitting doing nothing, spring comes, the grass grows.
Chinese Wisdom

They can kill all the swallows, they will not prevent the coming of spring.

Proverb Afghan

Can I Use Bell Dish With Shaw

rencontre, MDCII


fly me.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nadine Jansen Community

rencontre, MDCI


Oh pretty agreements

you extra sweet

ment in this gifted duo

take us ...

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It's spring. The clock of nature is on time.

When Is Your Bmi Dangerously Low

the mystery man in the iron mask.

Shahrzad and the mystery man in the Iron Mask, or madness serious delusions of power.

You know this is Shahrzad, it is sometimes unbearable, uncontrollable, swirling, unpredictable, restless, and yet still so adorable. Like its accuracy. The famous Sherlock Holmes would probably have liked the court and share with her adventures. There are women like that. They like a straw at your fingertips and they use it to stir the neurons of their lovers. They love to blow the fire in people's minds. They keep coming back to the load. Poor Sherlock, he probably would not have the distance. I'm kidding.

past few days already, Shahrzad uses once more my fingers to probe one of the mysteries of history, a famous mystery, that of the Iron Mask. This puzzles of great writers like Voltaire, Dumas Pagnol for example, that proposed solutions but none seem convincing. Why did Louis XIV, absolute monarch, ruling monarch challenged from the outset, had he used this terrible way to frighten his opponents? That's what intrigues Shahrzad is what she wants to know. She immediately made a comparison between the murderous paranoia of the Caliph Harun Al Rashid, it treats the case in Baghdad, is its main function, and what seems to be also a form of mental illness among the Sun King . The power to assert must be feared at first, trying to make love Then, it is about survival and it is already a form of murderous madness in itself.

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Those at the top of pyramids of power are they ( are they) all crazy and very dangerous even crazy? Shahrzad is the reasoning. It is always straightforward and that's what amuses me most about this Newton feminine, she hates appearances. Of course, it is easy to detect the paranoia of a Stalin or a Hitler, to calculate the damage amounting to millions of victims, but this is still an amazing thing at Shahrzad, its way of reasoning, it seeks the advantage. For her, the disease follows an order, protect First one who develops and incubates. C3% AFa

The paranoia is not the only form of mental illness which is "to protect" women or men greedy for power and that seem to follow only one goal, to reach the top of the pyramid, where they think is more sheltered, the most enjoyable place for them, because it is a form of research pleasure.

The lethality is observed in the elimination of rival clans opposing it leads to absolutism and a vast solitude, he is de facto to the desert around us, to accept as submitted harmless, neutered next to the power itself. It is a paradox of these mental illnesses that produce the opposite of what is desired by the patient. Not easy to keep a foothold in reality. Louis XIV and Harun Al Rashid, however, will come to get away, to take advantage of this form of drama he must live. How? Because it will be very well supported, because they find a stable anchor in love. This will create two different kinds of civilizations pinnacle of enlightened absolutism, with the final explosion artistic and cultural advances in all kinds areas. Louis XIV did not say "the state is me" as they wanted him to say, but in his will on his deathbed, he confided that he was only the first servant of the state, nothing else.

One of the commonest forms of madness of power is the loss of contact with reality. This leads to exaggeration, manipulation, conspiracy holds that power itself always like bad dreams he seeks to exorcise. It is normal to be so because the authority is a form of illusion. It can not be sustained by generating illusions, and often all sorts of propaganda which are only delusions actually. Hitler confessed: "Moreover, these delusions are bigger and they will be easy to ensure that the people do own these delusions!"

And it makes a big difference between the Kings, the true guides of their people and the insane criminals who have lost their footing, it is the difference between a Louis XIV and Joseph Stalin for example. The king, the first servant of the people, therefore, is one who knows how to govern by the imagination is that which is feared by the imagination.

Harun Al Rashid, the caliph madman who cut off the heads of his wives on the first night. Shahrzad in the story, she creates an imaginary fun. Which can then know what is true or not in this story. It does not matter, the nation has its share of dreams, he dreams even awake and he smiles, he laughs very good heart tales, fables and fabrications, delusions and other inventions Shahrzad.

Man in the Iron Mask, what an incredible stroke of genius!

Who had the idea? Really this is the most interesting in this story. What message is the first question that comes to me. It seems very simple. My absolute king, I can not just take your freedom, lock you up for life if that is my desire, but I can also make you disappear, remove your identity. Voltaire did not make a mistake. The Iron Mask is the best symbol of absolute power. But all the intelligence of King Louis XIV, will remain at a symbol and why it was still only need one.

Yes, the history of the Iron Mask is a stroke of genius, an extraordinary conspiracy of royalty, a staging. It is almost Molière, but no, I do not think either that Molière ale designed it, no, I rather think of Louis XIV himself. Why? Just because this iron mask or thick black velvet or leather, is a ritual known among sado masochistic and it is even a sort of archetype in this kind of sexual practices. We recover here some features of behavior of the Sun King.

Man in the Iron Mask, a certain form of humor.

I am surprised that Voltaire, Dumas, Pagnol, and many other famous writers did not report it. If, however, there is a rumor. Molière would have been the man in the iron mask. After all, why not. A valet was enough to play this role full time. Guests pass the distinguished guests who wanted to live the strange experience of confinement, the total loss of identity, hidden in a secret cell of the kingdom, which no one could cry out, should not be missed. I find Molière pretty crazy for wanting to experiment in connivance with Louis XIV. Yes you can. Louis XIV tried it you it too? It is more than capable too.

What matters in this symbol is that the people perceive humor, humor very fine, very fine, a comedy that casts doubt. It's very similar with the 1001 nights Shahrzad. The Caliph's crazy, it can cut the head of whoever he wants, when he wants, he has the right, authority. Yet the Caliph shows that it is truly a great king, he does not use this power, he plays, he plays with it, it encourages the freedom to think and create in respect for his authority. It is a form of balance, harmony, recall the rules.

peoples in their care have preferred to show the Kings, from time to time, at the option of revolutions, they too could cut their royalty when they wanted.

(C) Ivano Ghirardini, February 27, 2011

Why Does Water Move In The Respirometers Pipettes

Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy [Remastered Edition]

"Houses Of The Holy" is the fifth album of Led Zeppelin . As for the previous four, the band offers eight tracks of high quality though, but that's just my personal opinion, this album is a little below their past production. But do not worry, "Houses Of The Holy" rest of the VERY BIG LED ZEPPELIN! If all other groups had to offer cakes of the same quality, it would be great! is undeniably with discs such as LED ZEPPELIN can now be part of the legends of Rock. So here you go eyes closed, satisfaction guaranteed! One last thing though: the links I put on my blog for albums LED ZEPPELIN and QUO are systematically deleted and HotFile MegaUpload, so hurry up! Otherwise, feel free to ask me these links via email (I will not post links in comments) . Enjoy!

- The Song Remains The Same
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- Crunge
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- The Ocean MP3

( 320 kbps) + 8
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dan Fante. The honest emotion

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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editions Behind the bathroom

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rencontre, MDC

And his arm and leg, and her thigh and her kidneys,
Polis like oil, undulating like a swan,
passed before my eyes clairvoyant and serene;
And her belly and breasts, these clusters of my vine,

advanced, more hugs that evil angels,

for disturbing the peace when my soul was set,
And to disturb the rock crystal
Where, calm and solitary, it s 'sat.

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This year, it is spring in the Muslim world.

Spring. Buds of lilac, boxwood, prunus. ki / Spring
astronomical point of view, in the northern hemisphere, spring runs from February 7 to May 7 ki / Printemps_des_peuples
The year 1848 saw a flowering of revolutions across Europe, called in the Spring of whole peoples or the Spring revolutions.

This year, it is spring in the Muslim world. ki / Syringa_vulgaris
Syringa vulgaris common lilac lilac or French is an ornamental shrub of the family Oleaceae with fragrant flowers that can reach a height of four meters. Medicinal level, its buds are used in gemmotherapy. ki / Buis
The Boxwood (Buxus) are a kind of shrub with a distinctive smell, of the family Buxacées. The species, very common, Buxus sempervirens, are found throughout mainland Europe and the Mediterranean. ki / Laurier-cerise
The cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) is a plant of the family Rosaceae and the genus Prunus. It is a shrub often planted in hedges, enjoying the mild climate (Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts in particular). Also called laurel or laurel-palm kernel.

Fun on Wiki:
"The number 37 of the Journal of useful knowledge in January 1896 describes a tradition of peasant Morvan evening of the Epiphany of reading the future of those present by interpreting the tribulations of a sheet ... box placed on a hot stove, it is blowing and swirling for some time before bursting. "

* Theophile Gautier (1811-1872)

I am back from this trip dark
Where one has to torches and sun in the shadow
The eyes of the owl;
... As after a whole day of plowing, a buffalo
is returning slowly, dejected and lowering the muzzle,
I'm bending the neck.

I am back from the land of ghosts,
But I still keep away from dumb
The pale realms of the dead.
My clothes, like On the pancake
funeral urn cast from my back to the ground
Pend throughout my body.

I go out of the hands of a miserly
death more than the one who wept at the tomb of Lazarus;
She keeps her property:
It releases the body, but it retains the soul
It makes the torch it extinguishes the flame,
And Christ would have nothing.

I am no longer, alas! A shadow of myself, What
living tomb where lies all that I love, And I
survive alone
I walk with me the remains frozen
From my illusions, charming, deceased, which I am

I'm too young, I want to love and live, O death
... and I can not bring myself to follow you
In the dark road;
I have not had time to build the column
Where glory will suspend my crown;
O death, come back tomorrow!

Virgin alabaster with beautiful breasts, your savings poet
Remember that I, who first made you
more beautiful than the day I changed your
complexion pale green translucent ,
Sub beautiful black hair I hid your old skull
And I've been courting.

Let me live again I say thy praise;
To decorate your palace, I carve angels, I will forge
I will, in the church and the cemetery, marble
Melt in tears and complaining stone
As the tomb of the kings!

I will devote my best songs:
For you I'll always bunches of immortal
And flowers without perfume.
I planted my garden, O death, with your trees
yew, boxwood, cypress cross paths on marble
Their brown-green twigs.

I told the beautiful flowers, sweet honor of the pit,
In opening his majestic white lilies crater
At the Golden Tulip,
In the Pink May the nightingale loves
I told the dahlia, chrysanthemum I said,
In many others:

not growing here! Looking for another land, loves
costs of spring to the garden austere
Your brightness is too bright;
Holly you hurt its sharp points,
And you would drink the poison in the air of hemlock,
The acrid smell of the yew.

Do not forsake me, O my mother, O Nature,
You have a youth to every creature,
At any soul a love
I'm young and I feel the chill of old age, I can do nothing
love . I want a youth
Had she one day!

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Spring revolutions.

astronomical point of view, in the northern hemisphere, spring runs from February 7 to May 7 ki / Printemps_des_peuples

* Gerard de Nerval (1808-1855) The doctrinaire To Victor Hugo . ..

Oh! the Twenty-July 7, when colors cherished
Happy, fluttered on the roofs asleep
After the Louvre and the Tuileries
We had hunted the enemies!
The strongest was done ... that night was beautiful!
Near entrenchment in our hands high
How proud we were to guard
In treading the unpaved ground!

O night of independence and glory and celebration!
Nothing above us ...
not a government did not yet dare show his head: As
felt at any time
spirit unfold into huge ideas ...
It was seven cubits high ... And they breathed


This is not the license, alas! I ask
But then if someone had told us that soon
this freedom, which arose wide,
It would put the jersey on! ... That
Ministers retrograde
Inhabitants of palaces still unwashed
Pure blood of our comrades would
Do the barricades of paving stones
That inconvenience! ...

They were therefore not there, these men who, perhaps
Apostles secretly hated power, Ont
aloud denied their master
Since the rooster crowed! ... They have
not seen under fire
Walk the ranks of a vengeful people disarmed ...
In the fierce heat of battle
Their eyes did point on!


What! Abroad, laughing so vain glory, so much hope
When asked about the great week,
say: "You have lied?"
All because of them! At the point where we are ...
From despotism still ... it's impossible ... Non
Down! Down So little men!
We saw Napoleon!

Small! - Thou hast well said, Victor, when the Corsican
Your voice evoked the specter they feared
Showing that it is given only to men of his force
Violate Freedom!
is the last and we can never predict
And no human power will stir
Do this globe of the Empire
it imprisoned in his hand!


And when all is done ... that France indignant
Aura well shaken these cobwebs
What fools still want to tender;
Do we sing again, Victor,
Him, we love so much, alas! despite
crimes that are, for a vain and cold Majesty
To have repudiated sublime two wives, Josephine and

But we sing a hymn universal, immense,
Who by France, Belgium and Castile begins
National Anthem for the entire nation
That alone, one, Liberty inspires you, That every revolution

Tende a rope of thy lyre!


* Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

Turn, turn, good wooden horses,
turn a hundred times, turn a thousand times,
Turn often and always turn,
Turn Turn the sound of the oboe. The child

all red and white mother,
The guy in black and the girl in pink, One in
and another thing to ask,
Everyone pays a penny from Sunday.

Turn, turn, horses with their heart, while all around
your tournaments
Blinks the eye of the sneaky thief,
Turn to the piston winner!

It's amazing how it intoxicates you
To go well in this circus beast:
While in the stomach and an aching head,
mass of evil and good in crowds.

Turn the sound of the accordion,
violin, trombone crazy
Horses softer than sheep, soft
As a people revolution.

The wind whipping the tent, glass, zinc and
The tricolor,
And the petticoats, and whatnot?
Makes a thunderous roar of five hundred.

Turn, hobbies, there is no need to use
never spurs
To order your gallop:
Turn, turn, without hope of hay.

And hurry, horses of their soul
Already here that rings the soup
The night falls and the gang hunt gays drinkers
In their thirst starve.

Turn, Turn! The velvet sky with golden stars
OF slowly pricked.
The church bell tolls mournfully.
Turn to the joyful drums!

How Long To Grow In Eyebrows Before Waxing

It's spring, the large spring, one breath, that of renewal.

Hello my great Friends, hello life so beautiful, hello, hello to all the angels of Heaven Good morning, all happy to be born dragon, yes hello starry sky, mother earth, men who walk upright, animals, plants happy, yes, hello, hello! ki / Periwinkle s? Hl = en & q periwinkle = & um = 1 & i e = UTF-8 & source = univ & sa = X & e 9FlnTbCaHMSAhAefqsTyDg & i = v = ed 0CDwQsAQ s? hl = en & q = + Vinca Major & um = 1 & ie = UTF-8 & source = & sa = X univ & ei = eFpnTY-bNdSahQe3k9iiDw & ved = 0CCQQsAQ

* François-René de Chateaubriand (1768-1848)
Night Spring
The sky is clear, the moon is unclouded:
Already the night at calyx of flowers

Verse pearl and amber of her tears;

No zephyr agitate the foliage.

Under a cradle, sitting quietly,

Where the fleet and lilacs hanging over my head,

I feel refreshed my thoughts flow

In perfumes that nature surfaces.

woods where the shadows, the meadows, whitening

Slowly unfolds and rests

Two nightingales, jealous of their accents,

Will turn awaken the spring

Who slept under the tufts of pink.

melodic solo Segrais

Until my heart you wear your peace!

Meadows also through silence,

I hear far away to stay this smiling,

The dog's voice that rumbles around and watch

From humble roof dwells innocence.

What! already beautiful night, I lose you!

Among the skies at dawn ajar,

Phoebe has more than gleams dying,

And the breeze, skimming the orchard

From the east, with a little noise,

With just ask about these rods trembling.

Ah, my understanding is St. Romeo, that's why I feel all these impulses spring, all these outbreaks of universal love. ki / Bienheureux_Rom% C3% A9o ki / Rom% C3 % A9o ki / Rom% C3% A9o_et_Juliette

Tongue Swollen Kidney

Days gray

Weather greyness of soft mist of fine, love. Everything is so quiet. Everything seems to be even under the blanket, as if to say, no, no, not now, thumb, I sleep a little longer. The sunless days are rare here, they are just better appreciated. It's beautiful gray days, days with low clouds, days sounds fluffy, sweet day based really.

In the Iliad and the Odyssey is the epitome of the gallant old man still on the battlefield.

Today is St. Nestor. ki / Niobides

* Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)

Mist and rain

O for Fall , winter, spring tempered mud
... Sleeping seasons! I love you and praise you
OF wrap and my heart and my brain
On a misty shroud of a vague and grave.

In this great plain where the cold south wind plays
Where through the long nights vane hoarse,
My soul better than lukewarm revival time
wide its raven wings.

Nothing is sweeter with a heart full of things funereal
And on that long since the frosts descend, O pallid
seasons, queens of our climate

That the permanent aspect of your pale shadows,
- If this is through a moonless night, two by two, D'
sleep on a bed of pain risky.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Star A Business With 10,000 Pesos

The blue below

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Vines gray

A day of dry mouth. The wind storm you face. The light sauce. Gravity. Slow walk. You go up the road to leave the city. You count the empty bottles thrown into ditches as there are black spots on the backs of ladybugs. Before you, a little bald old forges ahead. Overturned garbage cans. Anything that is not stationary moving too fast. Vine remains gray. The genets turgid. This bee wedged in the sun on a stone. Fewer and fewer people. The plastered houses. The shadow on the stucco. An entire field of thistles. The muddy road. The foul breath of the dog. You put your ass in the grass. Something rough and simple that the sky is giving you. Your node expands.

What Languages Are Used For Mobile

rencontre, MDXCXIX


Restaurant With Tall Whi

Stray dog 22

was a gentillhomme, his dogs loved him.
(Chanson de geste, anonymous)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fair Invitation Phrases

Three bursts of lava rose

When dawn edge sharpened his mine, the Knight Gaspard sharpens its deviations. He picks up at the sky washed three flashes of pink and shove them in the eye. He spits black ice, ready to devour the soft slippers animals tomorrow. The day starts in his hand.

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rencontre, MDXCVIII

Telling Children
it looks like the Countries of the Far East

Telling Time as one would live the Disoriented

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Chairs Small-Kings Square Doudou

Front: (


Storage for Kiki (newspapers, remote controls ... haha)

Small nouettes

The other chair

The one beside the other, they are not cute??

Chairs Small Kings
The Kikis was on vacation, I want to cover the armchairs they love. These are the chairs Ikea Poäng already covered here and there , they lived well and as they are now HS, I had to make others so they can also adapt to the decor the show. Kikis the loving comfort, these covers will be supplemented by other small things to complete the kit Kiki at rest. Continued ...