Friday, March 4, 2011

Matsudaeyewear Vector

Here is the Spring!

* Louis-Honoré Fréchette (1839-1908)
Miss A ***

following Spring, the season of roses. More
bare twigs, yellowing of turf;
More cold mornings or evenings gloomy
Here Spring and blessed days. Here

Spring: flowers half closed
The breeze that comes from wood rejuvenated
Whisper whisper of divine things ... Here
the Spring season nests.

child, all this is revealed to you;
At home, as in the new flower,
cutting its supply of drinking liquor. To

no need for the time you reborn
virgin to have the youth
is your spring, the season of the heart.

* BEAUCHEMIN Nereus (1850-1931)


The black crows black plumage,
What drove the autumn wind,
income from their long journey,
caw in the vernal sky.

The thicket, bushes morose
Await their joyous birds
But instead of gays virtuoso
Arrive early crows.

To charm the wood bored
These dilettantes unrivaled
Tonight by snow and rain,
Will give a great festival.

Dreamers, whose ecstasy is short,
Await flights of birds of gold
But instead Bird dream
comes the sombre condor.

March cries before us smile.
Hail falls in midsummer.
The man, born for grief, sighs
And cry before singing.

* Joseph Quesnel (1746-1809)

Dream pleasant

One night the god Morpheus,
... on my eyelid compressed
Distill his softer poppy
I live in a dream in the clouds,
An old man with gray hair;
Who made me hear the words:

Bellone will flee into exile,
Europe of blood watered
regrowth at the bottom of deserts;
And this King George formidable
taming the untamable French,
restore peace to the universe.

Aspen proud and treacherous enemy,
And thy wrath homicide
Hang effects powerless
Albion laughs at your hate,
And you people chained,
He will break the bloody irons.

But what a happy scene opens!
The future is revealed to me ...!
Already I see a thousand ships
Weaving through the liquid plains,
Drivers And less shy
no longer feared that the waves.

March fled the carnage ceases;
peace that kind goddess
Go gather all mortals,
And soon in these prosperous days
The men turned brothers
forehead cense his altars.

Concord finally reborn,
Following him will be forthcoming
The dawn of happier days;
And in their fields made fertile
The laborers free quiet
bless peace in turn.

he said, and suddenly I cry
Old man! whose prophecy
fill our longing,
What do you know of our fate?
I am the father of the year
he says, and I see the future.

At these words the old man takes off,
And a dream all too frivolous
I thought he had abused;
But the success of England
Will know realize I hope
What Time has revealed.

* Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585)

If I passes away in your arms, Ms.

If I passes away in your arms, Mrs. ,

It is enough, because I do not want

greater honor than to see me if

By kissing you, in your womb to the soul.

The Mars horribly inflamed

go to war, and lack of power,

And youthful years, frolicking to receive

In his chest a English blade;

But me, colder, I REQUIRE otherwise

After a hundred years, no glory, no fame,

Dying idle in your lap, Cassandra.

For I am wrong, or is more blessed,

die thus than to have all the honor,

To live bit , a warrior Alexander.

* Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)

To Madame X. ..

By sending a thought

At the time when you loved me (of course?)

You sent me fresh bloom,

A dear little rose,

Fees emblem, pure message.

She said in her speech

The "oaths of first love,"

your heart to me forever

And all things to use.

Three years have passed. Here we come!

But I have kept the memory

From your pink, and my glory

To think even that.

Alas! if I have the recollection,

I have no flower, nor the heart!

It is to the four winds, the flower.

Heart? but, lo I think

Was it mine forever? us?

me, mine is still going well,

There is always simple. An emblem

's my turn. Say, do you want

That weighed everything, I sent you,

selam Sad, but true,

The poor negress it ?

It is not color of joy,

But it is the color of my heart;

I picked some slot

From I walk paved captive

As opposed to just pain.

Does it need more evidence?

Accept it for fun.

I have gone so far as to pluck,

And it is almost a flower-of-widows.

Everything is blue today, blue and yellow, all is bright. everything is soft and peaceful here. Time seems to stop. Good day fleas. Kisses sunny. Ivano

Curtain Rods Door Frame

A beautiful reading of Black in

Here is a beautiful reading of my book The Black in ( editions Hand Sewn ) by journalist Philip Chauché on his blog. So be thanked here.